Reproduction Is An Illusion - Why It Doesn't Matter If You Have Kids

Word count:9925

[Music] well I lied looks like you're gonna get a second video before the decade is over and this one is going to be about how reproduction is a fiction I'm gonna explain that to you how can reproduction be a fiction and this is going to be one of those episodes that deals with some of the radical consequences of non-duality which i've touched upon in the past and I'll have an episode in the future which is going to be a long laundry list of the many radical consequences and implications of non-duality it's funny because in a certain sense you can have an awakening to the truth of what you are but then separate from that is all of the fallout and all of the consequences which can take you years to fully flesh out and realize what those are for life and so many people who even are doing spiritual work and really do have a few awakenings still they don't realize all the ramifications and the ramifications are so radical that if most people were told these ramifications by a spiritual teacher upfront they would never pursue spirituality and they would certainly think that it's nonsense because the consequences are so radical and so outrageous and they sound so absurd and so impossible that it sounds like a fiction and yet the opposite is the case so anyways how is reproduction of a fiction well first of all we have to distinguish between sex and reproduction so I'm not gonna be talking about sex per se I'm talking about biological reproduction here in this episode but of course if we're gonna be talking about sex which I could talk about in the future in a separate episode of course one of the radical consequences of non-duality is that all sex is sex with yourself there's no other for you to have sex with because non-duality means oneness one mean oneness means there's one thing there's only the so who's having sex the universe is having sex with itself you are the entire universe therefore you are always having sex with yourself whether you're using a hand or a vagina or a penis or a mouth or an anus to do it doesn't matter and who's you're using also doesn't matter now I mean in the absolute sense in the relative sense it matters a lot because there are certain parts of the body with certain people that you can use which will get you into trouble so you do have to be careful about that this is not this is not a license to go rape this is just how it looks like from the absolute perspective but anyways let's get to reproduction so biological reproduction there's this idea that our culture in grains in our minds and for a good reason which we'll get into in a minute that it's important for you to reproduce this is part of the myth and the religion of scientific materialism see materialism is not merely in there's a lot to materialism it's not merely that there is a material reality yes that's that's the thought fundamental foundation of scientific materialism but there's of course also other corollaries that come along with the materialist religion and one of those is that you're a biological organism and that one of your most important functions in life is to reproduce and this idea gets so ingrained in our minds by our parents by society by our religion even by science that we really start to believe in this myth that oh if I don't reproduce myself biologically then somehow something is gonna be lost it's gonna be bad this is something negative see but of course reproduction is a relative notion and here we're bringing in the concept of relativity this is a powerful concept that I talked about in my episode called understanding relativism part 1 and part 2 I haven't released yet but I will in the future it's such an important topic so hang on for that coming soon you need to understand that episode before you can truly understand what I'm about to tell you so relativity is a fundamental feature of reality and of consciousness everything is relative to one's vantage point in one's perspective and in this case we're applying relativism to the notion of biological reproduction itself see most people hold and this is part of the myth of scientific materialism is people hold that reproduction is a brute objective physical fact and either you have reproduced or you haven't reproduced and there's only one way you can reproduce which is genetically by having children and if you don't do that then it's not reproduction and then your genes die and then that branch of the family tree is killed and all of your genetic pool is basically lost or some some narrative like this see and it sounds it sounds legit how else could it be you might wonder I mean isn't this a physical fact that this is how we reproduce but of course reproduction is relative to how you define the self which is the core question of life and the core question of spiritual work is what are you what is the self if you believe the self is a biological entity this body sitting here or that body sitting over there and you believe that it's biological then yeah you're limited to that paradigm of reproduction but that's not because it is that way objectively that's because you think of it that way subjectively you see there are other ways to think about reproduction and in fact so here's one of the other radical consequences of oneness and non-duality is that if there is only one thing in the universe namely the universe itself and if you are the entire universe then every movement of the universe is its own reproduction not merely you squirting some sperm into some hole or you receiving some sperm into some hole not merely that those are very limited actions of the universe which you have labeled reproduction because you're so attached to that hole whether it's yours or not yours you're either chasing it or you're chasing for someone to enter it right but but that's a very very limited paradigm to limit the universe's reproduction just to that the universe is reproducing in an infinite variety of ways literally infinite infinite reproduction that's how we could think of the whole universe everything that's happening is the universe reproducing itself especially if we're considering the actions of organic life-forms and humans specifically and the work that humans do see reproduction is not limited to genetics at all this is far too narrow a paradigm you are reproducing yourself as you're living your life by interacting with other human beings in fact you can reproduce yourself more effectively through your impact on culture and on society and on people then you can biologically for example who remembers these days the children of Shakespeare do you know who the children of Shakespeare were do you know who his grandchildren were how many generations ago was that 20 50 100 generations ago that Shakespeare was alive yet we know about Shakespeare today why not through his children those have long been forgotten and that gene pool has been completely diluted by this point such that there's nothing recognizable left of Shakespeare if you looked at the great great great great great granddaughter of Shakespeare if one even existed she would bear very little resemblance physically biologically genetically to Shakespeare because of so much intermixing of the gene pool she wouldn't look like him so what has really been passed on what has really been retained Shakespeare reproduce himself through his plays through his written work and that reproduction has been so successful that here we are some five hundred years later and everybody in the world who's a little bit educated knows Shakespeare how's that for reproduction and mankind will still probably know Shakespeare 2,000 years from now if we're still alive how amazing is that but by that point all of his genes will have been smeared through the entire human species and nothing will be recognizable of it you see now you say well yeah Leo sure of course but here Leo aren't you using the notion of reproduction very loosely and metaphorically and kind of poetically sure we could sort of say in a poetic manner that Shakespeare reproduced himself through his plays but he didn't really that's like a fiction that's like a a trick of the mind what's real reproduction is the genetic physical biological reproduction and what I'm telling you is that no your insistence that biological physical genetic reproduction is the one true production that is the fiction that you have to understand see why are you selecting that above all the other ways that one could reproduce as the one true one only because that's a self biased position that you have and you're not appreciating the relativity of reality what relativity here means is that there is no one true way to reproduce because all of them all actions of the entire universe are reproduction in different ways with different consequences of course there's different consequences I'm not saying that Shakespeare reproducing himself through his written works has the exact same consequences as as you reproducing yourself genetically yes there's different consequences but also consider that genetic reproduction might not be the most important kind of reproduction what you count as important or significant or meaningful that's your projection onto reality that's not inherent to reality if you think that genetic reproduction is the most important kind of reproduction that's your subjective opinion that's not a biological fact you see biology tells you how reproduction works on the genetic level as far as that goes there's no problem it's pretty accurate and good that science is good the problem is when people add on top of the science see it's not enough the religion of materialism isn't merely strict science its science in addition to a bunch of other extra projections and extrapolations and conclusions and interpretations which are extremely selfish and self biased and coming from a human perspective they're not objectively true in any sense see so the idea that you you have to that it's important for you to reproduce yourself genetically this is untrue that's relative it's important if for example you have a certain agenda if one of your agendas is that it's important for you to you know pass on your genes you're certain if that's a story you have in your mind and you think that that's important then it becomes important for you but it's not objectively important and it might be more important that you reproduce yourself in other ways of course you can do both you can reproduce yourself biologically and socially culturally and in many other ways so you don't have to limit yourself to one I'm not I'm not here advocating against reproducing children if you want children have children I'm not justifying any actions here I'm just trying to get you to see the relativity of of what reproduction is and also I'm try to get you to think outside the box I'm trying to free you actually from this restraint that you have in your mind because I sense that a lot of people don't want children these days but they feel kind of bad and guilty and obligated to have children because in their mind there's this there's this myth which they think is real they think is scrout in science and biology there's this myth that you must reproduce or something important is going to be lost there's even some men or some women in the world who are unable to reproduce you know for whatever reasons because they have a disease or a disorder of some kind they're not able to have children and then they feel bad and guilty about it for decades they beat themselves up because they think oh well how terrible my life is that I wasn't able to make children it seems like my entire family lineage has been lost and now I can't have a meaningful life anymore especially spotlight hammock stage blue people they tend to view reproduction as a-- as it almost moral imperative that's why a lot of religiously conservative people don't use contraceptives they're against condoms they're against teaching sex-education they're against birth control they're against of course abortion for that reason but also for other additional reasons and abortion is a complicated topic which I don't want to get into here so that's not the only reason that people are against abortion but it's one of the reasons because sort of coming from that religious conservative traditional worldview your lineage and your tradition your family tradition is very important so the idea of passing on your lineage via your genes but also via teaching your children the right morals the right religion and all this this becomes a huge obsession for many stage Bleu people which is over half the world over the half the world's population is obsessed with this idea of family lineage as though it's not a fiction your family lineage is a total fiction and besides which what exactly are you passing on let's get very technical and scientific because you see stage Orange Spa the dynamic stage orange folks who are just one level above stage blue they also they also can subscribe to this idea of of needing to biological reproduce because at stage Orange that's sort of the scientific paradigm and at the scientific materialist paradigm there's this kind of notion of survival to fittest an evolution which is a extremely oversimplified and grossly distorted and bastardized notion of what evolution is but anyways people who start first learn about evolution they latch on to it and they say oh evolution so now everything looks like it's all about reproduction right I've seen men on pickup forums for example justify you know indiscriminately cheating on on their girlfriends and so forth with this sort of scientific story of like well it's survival of the fittest and reproduction and it's you know it's just in my genes to sew my seeds around the earth and they think when when they're telling these stories themselves they think they're actually being scientific it's a complete bastardization of science because if we get really technical with the science well there's a couple of points first of all science never tells you what a thing is or what a things identity is so going back to our original point of reproduction being relative to how you define what a self is see science doesn't tell you what a self is because there is no self so of course science can't tell you what a self is you have to make it up or if you're doing poor science then you use science to make up a self of course in this case you're you're bullshitting yourself but anyways science makes up the self to be a biological organism that's part of the materialistic scientific paradigm so that's only one way to define itself you don't have to define the self that way you could define yourself as the entire universe you could identify yourself as the entire human race you could identify yourself as all living beings on the entire planet or in the entire universe in which case like if your identity is not that of an individual human but that of the entire human race then it doesn't matter to you whether you reproduce or whether your neighbor reproduces it makes no difference because your identity is not at that little local level it's more at a higher more global level but still limited but if you identify even more broadly with the entire universe it doesn't matter to you if if humans reproduce or not it doesn't matter to you if humans die or not because in the end even if the human species dies out nothing will be lost the universe is still going forward evolution is still happening evolution is not just happening at the genetic level it is not just happening within the human species it is not just happening within mammals it is not just happening even within living things it's always happening at all times it's a feature of consciousness but that's a deeper point I won't get into evolution here so part of the problem is that the materialistic scientific paradigm has a very limited notion of what evolution is they only look at it genetically but genetics is just one percent of their leaving out the other 99% of evolution there's cultural evolution there's um there's physical evolution there's evolution of consciousness I mean so much stuff I'll talk about evolution in the future so anyways so science doesn't tell you what your identity is it doesn't tell you what you are doesn't tell you who you are you are doing that and your culture is doing that for you and of course science is part of your culture so my point is that you can change your identity and and then reproduction will change for you so if you want to get very technical about the science point number one is that science doesn't actually tell you what you are therefore it cannot tell you what you need to do to reproduce because that depends on how you think you are what you think you are who you think you are see so if you change your definition of yourself then science can give you new ways to reproduce for example if you start to include cultural evolution and cultural influence as part of what you consider reproduction of the self if you start to consider the reproduction of your mind as more important than a reproduction of your genes then all the sudden science can give you a bunch of different methods for how to reproduce your mind rather than your genes you can for example write books like Shakespeare did and then there you go you reproduce yourself even more successfully because it's actually easier to maintain a book or a DVD disc than it is to maintain a genetic pool see genetic pools are very flexible which leads us to point number two if you want to get really technical with the science what exactly is being reproduced when you have children I mean it's not like you're making a clone of yourself your genes are getting diluted by 50% according to science maybe even more because there's random mutations and other kinds of mutations which maybe are not random and that that's just one generation that's 20 years in 40 years it's going to be diluted by to 25% and then to 12% and so on and down the line and within a few generations basically you're down to single digits so what really is left of of your original gene pool and why is this why do you think that your genes are somehow special or important can you see the absurdity of that the position that somehow your genes are important and need to be passed down into the future can you see how absurdly self bias and narcissistic this is to actually subscribe to this idea the idea that your family lineage is somehow special and important and better than other families you think your family lineage deserves to reproduce more than the the gorillas living in the Amazon or in I mean 90s in the in the Congo I meant to say Congo you think your lineage is more important than gorillas of course not it's pure selfishness is it's a complete fiction which brings us to the point now see were we're really now bringing in the concept of self bias here and also the concept of survival so go check out my episodes called understanding self bias and understanding survival part 1 and part 2 those are gonna be critical soaps we're bringing these core foundational principles here of this work of soft bias survival and relativity and the fourth one is non duality and oneness II we're bringing all four of these together and now we're using that to deconstruct the notion of reproduction so how is self bias and survival relevant here well look first of all I want you to admit to yourself that there's absolutely nothing special whatsoever about your jeans or your lineage it's as special as any others your jeans are no more important than that of an ant or a fly or a worm or a parasite or a virus no more important so first of all can you admit that to yourself can you become conscious of that for you to admit that you will have to be able to step outside of yourself bias because your sense of self is distorting your perception of reality so if you're really attached to your sense of self your sense of self your identity is going to include not just your biology it's going to include here for example your family lineage all the memories you have of sitting around the coffee table with your parents looking at photo albums you know some some families are really into the whole family lineage thing these are the more the traditional families and then the more modern families not so much of course still even the modern family you know has a sense of who your grandparents were but anyways some people really obsess you know they actually go online they do the whole genetic testing they do the genealogy thing where they actually track down their great great great grandparents where they came from who they were and all this why is that why are people interested in that is it important of course not I mean it's really silly it's silly because if you want to track this back track it back all the way to the first life form on this planet track it back to to microbe I mean that to microbes that is your great-great-great grandparents so where you're drawing these boundaries between who were your great-grandparents and who weren't who are your relatives who aren't and then you know are our monkeys your relatives are not these are arbitrary boundaries that you're drawing of course monkeys are your relatives of course worms are your relatives we're all we're all one we're all coming from the same place and we're all going to the same place so where you draw your boundaries is completely subjective and arbitrary there's nothing scientific about where you're drawing your boundaries all scientific classification systems by the way the whole like species and genus and families and all of that that the branches these are all arbitrary they're not they're not objective you could redraw all those lines and scientists dispute they have disputes about which which groups of animals belong in which category because it's it's relative to how you want to define things these are not lines that are drawn within the genetic code you can't open up some DNA file look at it and then see oh okay this is this has belonged to the genus of cats and mammals in this and like know the DNA doesn't make these distinctions human make these distinctions humans make these distinctions so anyways I want you to acknowledge to yourself how self biased the meaning that you're attaching to your family lineage is and also understand why that is the reason that you're doing that is because you're a survival machine and you're unconsciously acting out survival patterns that's what this principle of survival is about that we're introducing here so if you study survival very closely then you realize that your survival machine and you're just unconsciously acting out these survival patterns one of which is attaching meaning and importance to your family into your relatives why do you do this is it because they're actually important in some objective sense of course not of course not is there any objective reason why some child in Africa dying is less important than your mother or father dying or your child dying of course not if you're totally honest and you're not self biased about it you'll have to admit that it doesn't matter which of those dies now of course you can have personal preferences and so forth and that's your self bias shining through you might say well Leo but I don't know that kid in Africa I mean yeah he's he's important too but he's not important as my mom is because you know my mom she raised me and she worked so hard for me and she did all these beautiful things and she loves me and she takes care of me and now I have to give back to her and I feel a sense of obligation yeah I understand all that of course I feel that as well you know we're just human we're survival machines but what I'm telling you is that is survival instinct you have to care about your relatives to a certain sense because without that you'd be dead you couldn't be here otherwise and people who are coming from very traditional backgrounds spy dynamic stage blue and even earlier they're extremely family-oriented why is that because at that level of consciousness and development it's almost impossible to survive how are you gonna survive in a stage blue or a stage red country that's at that level of development how are you gonna survive in Africa or in the Middle East by yourself you won't it's a family affair you have to survive as a family or you're going to die now these days a little bit easier because we have the internet we have a lot of technology so these days you probably could survive on your own in the Middle East and in Africa and certain other underdeveloped parts of the world by the way when I say that these parts of the world are underdeveloped I'm not saying that they're permanently underdeveloped I'm just saying they're under developer right now I'm not saying they're inferior by saying they're underdeveloped right so be careful about that because people could misconstrue what I'm saying here's some sort of racist argument and some sort of like white supremacist position that's not at all what I'm talking about there's there's really no difference between the races but they are at different levels of growth they're not all equally developed not all countries and geographies and ethnicities are equally developed so that's not a moral condemnation that's not a judgment that's just simply you know there's there's parts of the world that are very very underdeveloped Africa and the Middle East are are two of those parts this is not demeaning them in the future they might become more developed than Europe and then America great I got no problem with that so anyways to return back to point what was I saying yeah so so to survive in these very undeveloped parts of the world nowadays it's easier to do it as an individual because we have a lot of technology that allows to do it for example you can have a job as a youtuber for example and you can live in the Middle East and you could make millions of dollars and in fact there are youtubers like that and you could leave your family never talk to them again and you would survive just fine probably still people would look at you weird if you told them that you left your family see there would be a lot of stigma against it why is there this stigma precisely because it's a survival defense mechanism see people put that stigma on you for example India is also another one of these countries and ethnicities this is extremely family-oriented huge extended families giant weddings and a lot of family rituals and then you know parents put a lot of pressure on their children to have families to have kids and make grandbabies and all this stuff I have I have some Indian friends so I know how that works so so what is that that's survival see that's how people survive that's how those cultures survive see it's not only about individual reproduction and survival it's also about the reproduction and survival of that culture for the Hindu culture to survive it has to maintain those deep family roots otherwise that that culture is going to get diluted and it's going to disintegrate which is why if you're Hindu and you have a Hindu mother and father they pressure you so much for those you know to start your own family and all that same thing if you're you know Middle Eastern a huge importance place their on family because it's a very harsh environment historically that part of the world was extremely tribal because it's very difficult to survive in that harsh desert climate you basically can't do it on your own you need strong social connections not just within your family but also within your tribe within your clan because there's other clans that will kill you when the geography is so harsh so people were forced to adopt strong family values not because strong family values aren't important or good or moral none of this or true of course there's nothing true about them at all it's a total fiction but this was a necessary fiction for you to be here today if you're from that part of the world and from that ethnicity see so this is what I mean by survival start to notice how all of the stuff that you think is so valuable and important and moral and good and true that this is all [ __ ] veneer underneath of that is just pure survival for example if you like your ethnic cuisine if you're from the Middle East and you like Middle Eastern cuisine or if you're Indian you like Indian cuisine or you're German you like German cuisine is it because the cuisine is actually good no this is a [ __ ] story tell yourself the reason you like that cuisine is because you're from that part of the world your genetics are from that part of the world and of course you need to like the kind of foods that are available geographically in that part of the world it would make no sense for you to live in some landlocked country which has no seafood and for you to love seafood when there's no seafood around say this would be like a head this would be like a genetic torture for you now I'm not saying you're limited by your genes I'm not saying that if you grew up in a landlocked country that you can never love seafood of course you can learn to love seafood but that's gonna be somewhat of an acquired taste for you see your genetics have actually evolved to eat the kind of foods that your ancestors ate this was very important for survival so of course if you're Hindu you love Hindu food of course it's not because it's the best food it's because that's what you needed to survive and in a certain sense it's still part of your survival now today of course you might say well leo but you know I can survive on any kind of food I can survive on McDonald's today sure you can but remember survival is not just biological or physical survival is mental survival is conceptual survivalists psychological as well if you grew up eating Indian food spicy food there's kinds of massage and so forth and various kinds of nuns and flatbreads and so forth you grew up with that that's wired into your psyche you have all sorts of positive memories attached to it maybe your mother fed you this food that was her way of showing you love and whatever and maybe your father made you some special meal on the holidays and that was his way of showing you love and approval and you know maybe you never got approval from your father except on the holidays when he made your favorite meal and shared it with the family and that's the way you got your father's approval okay that's that's wired into your psyche because your psyche needs love and approval from its surroundings from it's family especially to be able to grow up in a psychologically healthy way and to be able to survive effectively you see so in this sense the food played up a role in that and so of course even now that food is part of your survival even now you might you might move from India for example to the United States you might integrate with the United with the u.s. culture with American culture but still something something about you will always bring you back to that old classic food that you were fed when you were a child you know there's something about that will warm your heart is that really because the food is objectively the best no it's survival your program was survival see so the key to our work with all the work I talked about with actualize that org is to be able to notice our own survival mechanisms how robotic and automatic they are there's nothing special about them whatsoever also to notice how self biased we are by self bias what I mean is that our view of reality is completely shaped by our sense of self how you define yourself defines how you see the world see which brings us back to reproduction so one of the freedoms you get when you awaken if you awaken very deeply and you realize oneness very deeply is you're freed of the obligation to reproduce before you lived your life thinking like well I should probably have kids because if I don't something important will be lost after you awaken you realize oh I'm infinite I'm not this body I'm not this mind I'm not the psyche I'm not anything at all I'm everything and nothing and I'm eternal I'm immortal I can't die even though this body can fall dead and of course that will very shortly it matters not at all in fact I don't need to do anything to reproduce I am automatically infinitely reproducing forever for eternity I don't even need to write a famous play like Shakespeare did I don't even need to become a millionaire or a billionaire or a celebrity I don't need to to make giant donations to charities so people remembered my name and put my name on buildings in universities even these things I'm freed of having to do if I realize that I'm the entire universe this freedom is very liberating because now you're truly free to live your life however you want to live so if you want to have kids because you genuinely enjoy having kids around and you enjoy raising them go ahead do it great do it consciously raise your kill kids consciously have them consciously not accidentally see you still have that freedom that's not taken away from you but you do it consciously realizing that your children are not any more special than your neighbors children and that makes you more compassionate towards all children in the world and you can still raise your children while you have this compassion compassion is not limited in fact compassion is just love and love is unlimited it's your true nature is infinite love it's the one unlimited thing that there is so so you can do that or you can realize that well since I'm liberated I don't need to have children because hey I'm gonna be reproducing anyways through an infinite number of means because I'm the entire universe and I'm infinite and eternal well why don't I just write a book that book that I always wanted right let me just go write that and I'll reproduce in that way I find out more of an interesting way to reproduce them by having children maybe I don't like children or maybe it's not a book maybe for you it's music you reproduce yourself through music if not music then through cooking through architecture through film through public speaking through helping animals now you might wonder leo how am i reproducing myself if I am helping animals let's say I start an animal shelter for four abandoned Kazon dogs how is that reproduction you have to really think outside the box of what reproduction is okay really what you're doing when you're reproducing is you're transferring some amount of spirit or essence or form to some other part of reality you're sort of infecting one form with another form and that is literally what you're doing when you're having sex is you're you're sort of impregnating one form with another form and then that formed has the resemblance to the old form but not totally it's not a perfect copy there's always dilution and change because diversity is always happening this is for the greater good of all because otherwise there'd be no point to really to reproduction to everything everyone would just be a clone which would be kind of lame so anyways you're doing this you're transferring form that's what you're doing but transfer the transfer of form is an abstract notion it's not limited to genetics you see the transfer form can happen with ideas for example in my videos with actualize that org I am transferring my mind and my psyche into you I'm transferring Mike spirit into you now of course there's nothing particularly important about my mind or my spirit or my psyche you know they're all equally good but of course I have a preference for my own psyche my own mind and I make selections about what kind of things I should I think should persist with in reality what kind of things I should shouldn't so for example I could be creating videos about white nationalism and how great Nazism is I could be doing that with my life but I've decided no I don't like that like those I do sets of ideas that's not a set of ideas that I want to reproduce instead I want to reproduce a set of ideas of like consciousness truth love helping you understand survival and self bias and the mind and all this sorts of stuff this is what I'm interested in so because this I'm transferring this into you to millions of minds see now the mistake people make here is they say well yeah Leo sure you're doing that but it's not true reproduction and what I'm telling you is that's wrong because there is no true reproduction it's as true as anything else but even this I don't need to do if I wanted to I could just sit and meditate for the rest of my life not release any more content not write any books not make any public speeches and I would still reproduce when you're when you're cut when you're fully awake and you're fully conscious you can look at every object in the room and realize that it is your own creation for example you can look at children strangers on the airplane I was flying over the holidays there were some babies and kids in the airplane near me I was sitting next to a small child probably two years old thankfully she was quiet she wasn't screaming the whole flight if you know but I looked at her you can look at her when you're really conscious you can look at her and realize that even though that's not my child in the sense that I didn't impregnate that woman and have this child but that is my child from a larger absolute perspective because I am the entire universe which means I am the mother and father of that child and I am the child itself there's no boundary between me and the child you see how this works changing your identity is a hell of a thing do not underestimate the significance and the consequences of expanding your sense of identity when I talk about expanding your sense of identity I'm not merely talking about doing it in your mind as a imaginary fictional conceptual thing no no no what I'm telling you is that to expand your identity you have to realize that your current biological limited identity was never real to begin with that's what begins the process of the expansion of identity you see and for that you really need to kick this scientific materialists paradigm that you're operating under because it's not letting you change your identity because science is under the delusion that your identity is biological and fixed and material this is untrue and of course science has never proven it ask a scientist ask a physicist to prove to you that you are your body they can't do it not possible science has never proven it nor will science ever prove it because identity is a purely subjective and relative thing how can you prove it it is whatever you believe it is so if that's the case you might as well subscribe to a wider identity the wider your identity the better you off you're gonna be and then your ultimate identity your awakened identity that isn't a belief that is absolute truth can't be proven though because it's absolute absolute is prior to proof so anyways there are many different ways that you can reproduce once you're liberated you can do none of them you can do one of them you can do multiple of them whatever floats your boat whatever suits you see that's the beauty of liberation now you can consciously decide what kind of impact you want to have in the world if you think what the world needs is more babies with your genes in them go do that if you think that the world doesn't need more babies maybe you think the world needs more love and care and you know what love and care these are contagious and transferable things so let's go back to that originally dropped thread I drop the thread about how is running a shelter for cats and dogs how is that reproducing yourself well if you're conscious enough for example to realize that what you are your truest nature is infinite love and that really what all the universe is doing is trying to maximize love including by the way through genetic reproduction if you realize that that is a form of love and so is everything else then you can you can also consciously decide on what kind of impact you want to have in the world so rather than for example expressing your love through your children you can express it through starting a shelter for cats and dogs because you notice that there's maybe a lack of love for cats and dogs they're abused they're abandoned they suffer and so forth and you could help them a lot you know imagine if you save a hundred thousand cats and dogs over your lifetime imagine what kind of impact you're having on the larger ecosystem you see mankind the beauty of mankind and also the the the horror of mankind is that we are a collective that's horrible in many ways leads to things like Nazism and genocide and bigotry and racism and war and so forth but the upside of it is is that since we are a collective we can influence each other in ways that other animals cannot because they don't have a rich culture for example like you know take dogs dogs don't really have a giant collective culture so for dogs there's not much of a way that a dog can reproduce its own mind other than through [ __ ] another dog but with humans we have a lot more options you can start this animal shelter for cats and dogs and as you help all these animals you might shoot videos of those animals you might you might create a documentary about it you might post it on YouTube people might see it maybe they'll see it on Netflix millions of people see how you're helping these dogs they get inspired by the love and the commitment that you have for these animals and for your life purpose of helping animals and then that inspires them to go out and do their own thing maybe if a million people see your animal shelter maybe 10 of them will start their own animal shelters so that's 10 more right so you multiplied by 10 there but even those that don't start an animal shelter they'll still get inspired and they'll just go out and and and use that inspiration in some unique way that's true to them you know like someone gets inspired not to start an animal shelter because they're not good at that or maybe they don't even like animals but they're touched by the spirit of your work and the love you expressed and they might do that to create a movie or write a song and then that song gets streamed online and played by hundreds of millions of people becomes a hit song and then that song inspires millions more people to to do whatever they're gonna do to be nicer to their children and so forth and so in this sense really you might say well if you're leo but if I'm not having sex and reproducing genetically that means I'm not really shaping human society I'm not helping children but you are by expressing your love through this animal shuttle thing indirectly it'll have a cascading effect and you can help millions of children you could write a children's book that teaches children how to care for animals for example that's that could be even more powerful than just having one child who you don't even raise properly because you're so unconscious and you raise some dysfunctional child who becomes you know a rapist or something rather than doing that you could have a very positive impact on society and on mankind you just have to start to see this whole thing in a much bigger picture sort of way you have to really zoom out and look at what all of mankind is doing we're all influencing each other this is a beautiful thing and it's the ugly hellish thing which is actually great because the only reason it's a hellish and ugly thing is because we're doing it unconsciously most of us are so as we become more conscious as we awaken to our true selves as we really start to understand what oneness means what love means what reproduction really means all the different ways we can reproduce we start thinking outside the box and we start realizing that hey you know we've already got 7 billion mouths to feed maybe this planet doesn't need more mouths to feed maybe what it needs more of is more teachers more doctors more veterinarians more social workers more conscious politicians more meditation teachers more yoga classes more or maybe we got enough of this I kind of figured just kidding you know there's so many things we need more of specifically what we need more of is more consciousness more conscious everything everything is improved by consciousness we need more conscious business owners more conscious military leaders more conscious presidents more conscious lovers more conscious parents more conscious children and the beautiful thing about consciousness is is that it's formless and it expresses itself and teaches itself in a infinite variety of ways so consciousness is not limited to reproducing itself through any one way it reproduces itself in all ways simultaneously see don't underestimate the impact that you could have on the world with your consciousness and your life's work you can have massive impact you might become a teacher and just a simple ordinary elementary school teacher but the love that you put into your work working with your kids could have the difference between raising a child who comes through your class to be a Hitler or to be a Mahatma Ghandi or a Buddha that's how much impact you could have as a teacher see and and all that's really required there is consciousness in love if you teach children with consciousness and love and you are able to embody it and to live those values then a lot of people who who would have feared in the direction of becoming a Hitler or some other version of a devil will go the other way you see which is why being a teacher is so rewarding which is of course what I do just not in a classroom of the conventional type so this is this is the power of this work as you do this work you start to really think outside of conventional boxes of what reproduction is of what sex is of what morality is of what culture is of what humanity is of what you as a self are and of course all of it is tied to you as a self really the key to that needs to be unlocked is that as you expand your sense of self all of the possibilities open up for you and you're freed up to have a conscious impact you the world whatever you want that to be and then that leads us right into my life purpose course go check that out where I talk for twenty five hours and explain in detail how how to develop a sense of life purpose the kind of principles that I followed to create my sense of life purpose to live a meaningful profound and a rewarding life with your with your work see because what you put out into the world then comes back to you as well the more conscious your work is the the more conscious you make the world and you are living in the world so your impact is very important and you have no choice about making an impact in the world you're going to make an impact in the world no matter what the question is will it be a small impact or a big impact will it be an impact towards hate judgment and devilry or will it will it be an impact towards love goodness truth consciousness and all those sorts of things see my work will outlast your children if you go have sex with with with somebody have children with them I guarantee you my impact on the world will be larger than your impact just by having that child because your child will die in 80 years but my work will live on for centuries perhaps for millennia we'll see depends on how good I do my work I'm still working on it maybe not yet but we're getting there I'm slowly building up to it you see so like really what I'm doing with these videos is rather than ejaculating into some vagina i'm ejaculating straight into your mind that's what's happening here but you can't understand that if you're so [ __ ] literal-minded that the only kind of reproduction you can understand is the ejaculating a vagina kind see you have to be wiser you have to be more intelligent than that to be intelligent means you have to think abstractly about reality you think so abstractly about reality that you're so open to thinks taking different forms and when you're that open then this new possibility opens up to you that oh yeah ejaculation doesn't need to just happen in a vagina that's one form of ejaculation a very limited form of it it can also happen inside a mind which is what's been happening in all the episodes that I've ever released it's ejaculation straight into your mind tah-dah happy holidays and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year there you go everything explained right so anyways to wrap this up I hope you can see the power of how we're taking these fundamental principles and concepts like relativity and oneness non-duality and survival and self bias and we're using them to really radically change our understanding of reality in a certain way nothing has changed you can still go have sex you can still go eat your food you can still love your family you can do all those things you can have children nothing nothing about that has changed but your relationship to it all has changed significantly which now opens up new avenues for you and now you don't feel trapped by life you don't feel like you have to do what your parents told you you have to do you don't feel guilty about it you can forge your own life and if you've decided for yourself that hey you know yeah I come from a Hindu family I come from some Hindu tradition we're family as important but you know what I'm more interested in writing poetry and that's gonna be how I make my name in the world and that's how I'm gonna shape the world and I'm gonna spread love through my poetry and in this way I'm gonna make it even bigger impact than if I honor my family by having children then that's what I'm gonna do and I'm not gonna feel guilty about it and in fact I'm gonna be thrilled about it and I'm gonna do it with a passion and the rest will take care of itself see that kind of freedom that's what consciousness allows you to do unconsciousness makes you stuck in various kinds of dead ends you're stuck in your job you're stuck having to have kids you're stuck with your spouse or your relationship you're stuck with your religion you're stuck with some stupid old science paradigm you're stuck with some old politics so you're stuck with all this stuff and you don't know how to change it because all of it ties back to you if you can change yourself that is the super power that's the ultimate power that you have by changing yourself you will then become the most powerful change agent in the world and then you'll use that to change the world in positive and conscious ways see but it all starts with you so start laying that groundwork by working deeply on yourself spend five or ten years working deeply on yourself and then you will be in a very powerful position to affect the world in the right kind of ways that it needs to be effected and remember that there's no one right way or best way that the world needs to be affected what we need is we need more people waking up and becoming highly conscious and then affecting the world with a passion in their unique way in a variety an infinite variety of ways we need people who are going to be conscious doctors and teachers and lawyers and politicians and environmentalists and veterinarians and all this so don't worry about that there is plenty of Nicias there are plenty of niches open for all of you guys you don't need to just copy me it's not as stupid it's like oh well for me to transfer consciousness and love to others I need to do exactly what Leo is doing I need to start a YouTube channel No stop thinking in that stupid little box what you need to do is find what you resonate with what you're passionate about something new find something new don't just copy me don't just copy somebody else find something new find your thing develop that and if you want to know how to do that in detail check out my life purpose course but there you go that's how reproduction is a fiction all right I'm done here please click like button for me and you can support me on patreon at slash actualize you can find the link under the YouTube videos down below I appreciate those donations and come check out my website that's actualize that org you'll find the forum my blog the life purpose course of which I spoke and my book list and then other stuff that I hope to release in the future so there you go what do I want to say to finish this abstraction is a very powerful principle that we haven't spoken of much I'm gonna have an episode about it in the future because it's so powerful one of the biggest problems I see these days is people get stuck in thinking about reality in literal ways both religious and scientifically minded people fall into this trap of literalism they think that things are literally one way there's only one way to read the Bible there's only one interpretation of the Quran there's only one interpretation of science of quantum mechanics or there's only one interpretation of evolution or there's only one way that reproduction is and it's only genetic reproduction that's the only way it is that's literally what it is but that's not how consciousness works consciousness is highly abstract in fact the more abstractly you can think and reason the more conscious and wise you're going to be you need to be able to think in terms of metaphors analogies you need to make interconnections between things that are loosely related you need to be able to zoom out and see the big picture between things right these sorts of abstract connections are crucial because otherwise you're going to get straitjacketed in in your mind you're gonna get stuck I'm thinking of a thing in a certain literal way without realizing that all literal ways of looking at the world are something that you're constructing and creating the world is not a literal place it's a giant conscious mind and one of the features of a mind is that it can think abstractly about things things are not solid and concrete see they only appear that way the more conscious you become the more the more you're going to be able to appreciate and understand what I mean by that but anyways more than the future Happy New Year and I'll see you in the next decade you